
Isobel Crumblin, Director of Fly By Fun – Australia’s most loved children’s party entertainers, felt very glued to their computers. She has been looking for ways to access their emails, sheets, and documents while on the run and while on their events.

Find out what this group of children's party entertainers have to say about Gmail.

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Have you thought about switching to Gmail? If you're still unsure, talk to us and see how we can help you.


My name's Isobel Crumblin. I'm the director of Fly By Fun. We provide children's entertainment across Australia. We range from things, birthday parties, christenings, private events, through to corporate entertainment. 

Before we engaged itGenius, we were using MacMail, so we felt very glued to our computers. It was very difficult to work remotely. We're an event space business, so it's really important for us to be able to access emails, the calendars, spreadsheets while on the run, while at events, running around rather than having to do everything stuck and being glued to the office. 

I guess the biggest nervousness that I had was like, will everything migrate properly? Am I going to lose files? How is it going to be stored? And so I guess it was the unknown and not really knowing how it was all going to work and all come together. After speaking to Peter, it was really made clear to me that all those problems were pretty much going to be solved. He had a really amazing support team that was going to guide me through the entire process. 

The biggest impact having implemented Google apps into my business was the efficiency. Everything is so much quicker. G-mail is incredibly fast, especially, after sitting and learning all the shortcuts and the archiving emails and all those little bits and pieces that has made it incredibly efficient. Having the Google Calendar, Sheets, Drive and all of those apps on the phone has made it incredibly easy to do work remotely on the run, which is really important for our business. It's had such an incredible impact on my business, and I know that it would have an incredible impact on any other business.

To learn more about our Cloud Support Service, or schedule an IT Systems Check, contact itGenius - the Google Workspace Experts

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