
When your business is moving to the cloud, you might not be sure which solution fits well for your business processes. Watch this video and learn how itGenius’ G Suite Test Drive can ease your worries away!

In this video, we discuss how getting a test drive would help you decide if this is the right option for your business.

To learn more about our Cloud Support Service, or schedule an IT Systems Check, contact itGenius - the Google Workspace Experts

You might still have some doubts about G Suite even if you’ve used Google Apps before or possibly because your consultant tells you that Google isn’t really a good option. Google applications already helped a lot of teams to collaborate at work. Did this video help you in deciding which tool to use? Drop a comment below!


Hi there. My name is Peter Moriarty. I'm the founder of itGenius and I'd like to tell you a little bit about our G Suite test drive.

We worked with literally thousands of businesses helping them with their cloud transformation journey, and one of the biggest questions that comes up when we're having a conversation with customers is, is this G Suite thing right? For me, customers want to know, is this going to be a good move for the business? What's the product like? Can I trust it? Is it going to work in my current scenario? Will my current business processes fit within this solution? For some businesses, they've got a pretty good idea of what the Google world can do, maybe you've used Gmail before, or you've seen G Suite used in another business, or maybe even used it before yourself, but are still curious about whether or not it's going to be a good fit for their particular application in the business.

Some business owners may be a little bit more reserved about this switch. You might not be trusting of Google, or you may have an IT consultant who's told you that Google's evil, and you need to stick with your server, and stick with the Microsoft solutions in your business because that's the safest way. Whatever your scenario is, we're here to help and the guided trial, which we now call a test drive is for you to actually get your hands dirty with the tools of G Suite. What that means is we're going to deploy a production account for you to use. It's not going to affect any of your [inaudible 00:01:19] flow or change anything about the way that you currently do business, but it will give you a chance to get your hands dirty and really feel the full solution of G Suite.

Now this is delivered over a number of sessions with you and a professional consultant who's helped hundreds of business owners make the journey of cloud transformation by implementing G Suite. What that means is you're going to have a chance to try out all the features and see how G Suite will fit within your business and your business processes. Now what's great about this process is it's interactive. It's going to involve you. It's also going to involve any of the key decision-makers that are in your business, and anyone you want to make sure has a great experience and is on board with the change to Google.

Quite often businesses have to manage different opinions and different expectations around what technology change means in a business. This kind of trial is a way of warming up everyone to the possibility of change. Now of course there's absolutely no obligation to proceed with a project or proceed with any of our services, but I can guarantee that spending that $99.00 with us for the guided trial, and having us take your hands through that journey of evaluating and testing this new exciting technology is very well worthwhile, and it means that at the end of it you'll have a great evaluation of whether or not this is going to be a good move for your business.

I'm going to say it's probably going to be once you get to the end of it because we're pretty darn convincing and the product is very powerful. So, if you haven't already booked your test drive with G Suite, get in touch with that team, or you can jump on the link below and our team will be very happy to get you started. Once you book, our team will be in touch within 24 hours to get you going with your G Suite experience. Until next time, cheers.

To learn more about our Cloud Support Service, or schedule an IT Systems Check, contact itGenius - the Google Workspace Experts

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