
Nowadays, making sure your clients’ privacy is protected at all times is a must for any business. However, if you’re in the Healthcare and Financial Services industry the stakes are much higher. We discuss the fears and the risks associated with handling highly-confidential and sensitive data that your business has and how G Suite helps in safekeeping them. Google has been very transparent on how they handle your data and gives you the assurance that they are storing and managing your business and your clients’ data with the utmost security. Watch the video and learn more on how you can further secure your data with features that Google has added to further protect you and everyone in your business especially in the healthcare industry.

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G'day there people, Moriarty here, answering a question that we are asked all the time and that is, is G Suite suitable for medical and healthcare records?

We are asked it so many times by so many customers, and not only is this important in the medical field, but customers in financial services who store sensitive client data and financial information, including your tax returns and identity information or all those kinds of things. All of these businesses really, really care about making sure they stay compliant and making sure that their customer data is protected. Now what does G Suite say and what does Google say? Well, I know for a fact that Google has released a white paper on all of their privacy practices, how they store data, how they manage data. And the short story with that is that all of Google's data is fully encrypted, both in transit from you across to Google and also encrypted at rest on Google servers as well.

But what about specifically handling patient or medical records inside of Google? I have to preface this by saying that I'm not a lawyer and I can't give you legal advice on this and you must get your own advice to make sure that you are comfortable to make these decisions as a business owner. But inside of the Google ecosystem, Google actually have a little button that you can tick which switches on HIPAA compliance. Obviously that's the privacy and healthcare compliance for the US and some other parts of the world. It doesn't necessarily translate exactly to Australia, but what that little button does inside of your G Suite account is it actually adds additional privacy controls inside of G Suite and it makes it easier for you to manage compliance, particularly when storing medical records inside of G Suite.

We have a number of customers that run clinics that run healthcare businesses that store patient records and patient information inside of G Suite. And they have the confidence to do that because the Australian equivalent of HIPAA, which is the Australian Privacy Protection, what that regulates and what that asks you to do as a business owner is not just keep everything in Australia. What it asks you to do is make sure that you are putting in appropriate measures to protect client data. So things like making sure you have multiple factor authentication switched on where the endpoints or the users or the people that are accessing that data are actually locked down. Additionally, it makes sure that you have an encrypted environment. Are you securely saving all of those records?

And so as long as you're ticking those boxes, of course, this is my opinion, then you are completely safe to manage all of those records inside of Google. And there are many healthcare providers all over the world who have patient records and patient information stored inside of Google Cloud, securely in Google Drive using G Suite.

If that doesn't give you all of the comfort that you need, then please make sure you go and do your own research and check things out for yourself. But we are very confident that things are safe and okay. And of course, if you have any questions at all, please reach out to our team, head along to itgenius.com or drop us a message on Facebook or anywhere else that you get access to our social pages and we will be very happy to help out. Until next time, Cheers.

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