
Service Today operates in three different major locations in Australia, which meant managing their business communication and IT systems can be a challenge. Real-time collaboration was almost non-existent before they used G Suite but now even with their numerous operations, they are able to work more efficiently and get the value of their money with apps that suit their needs. Watch and see how the difference made their business easier to manage and how it can apply to your business too!

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Hi, my name is Zak. I'm the owner of Service Today. It's a home service company that specializes in plumbing, electrical, and air conditioning service work. Most of our work is emergency work, so we need to be responsive to our customers all the time. We operate in three major territories. Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide. Some of the systems I was using before itGenius was Microsoft Word. The Microsoft Excel Suite just didn't feel up-to-date. It didn't sit in with me, right?

We were having issues with accessing servers. It was slow, it was time consuming. The cost of Microsoft and because of the size of the organization I am and the amount of employees I have in the organization, it was a per employee basis. It was up north of $5,000 per month. When I migrated everything over to Google Apps, it was sort of less than half of that. So I'm paying a lot less money and it's a seamless, better operation in my business.

My biggest fear from going to Google is my employees not being receptive to the new system. For a business owner to come out and say, “We're going to Google,” I was afraid that they weren't comfortable with that. You know, it's a big change to somebody's system. When the migration happened from Microsoft to Google, it was seamless. It was fine. My employees took it very great. So I'm pretty happy with the whole process.

One other thing I like is the communication within the whole Google App system. Look, the biggest key to any business success is communication. The Google App system allows you to send a Google Hangout message for the entire organization, you know, groups that you want to create. You could create a doc or a spreadsheet. You could create one document, one spreadsheet, collaborate it with 10, 20 people and still have the same document. It's a big game changer. It's definitely taken my business to the next level.

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